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"A Lotta Locomotion" is a song performed in various productions of Starlight Express between 1984 and 2013. This is the original song that introduces the Coaches to the audience.


Control sends Rusty to fetch the coaches, ready for the start of the race. The pretty new observation car, Pearl, has tentatively agreed to race with him, but the other coaches talk her out of partnering with a loser. Pearl needs more from a partner, and 'Locomotion both introduces the individual coaches and talks about what they're looking for.


"A Lotta Locomotion" reworks the melody of a song, "Goodbye Seattle" that Lloyd Webber wrote in 1970 and was recorded by Gary Glitter (then known as Paul Raven)[1][2].

Virtually every production has tweaked this number in one way or another, from cutting Pearl altogether, to giving Pearl far more solo time than any of the other coaches. Each alteration has served to shorten the original number.

The original 1984 London production gave each coach equal time in the spotlight, with a verse each to introduce themselves.

Buffy L84 Nancy Wood press 1

Buffy, with Ashley, Pearl and Dinah behind, London 1984

The 1987 New York production removed Pearl from this number, having only the other three Coaches describe themselves with a verse each.

The subsequent 1989 US Tour reincorporated Pearl, but rather than restore her solo verse, she shared a verse with Dinah, with Buffy keeping the final verse, as she did on Broadway.

When the show opened in Las Vegas in 1993, the number was rewritten, giving the coaches a snappy introduction to replace "Rusty Can't Be Serious", and a shorter, two-verse version of 'Locomotion. The first verse had one line for each coach to introduce themselves, and the second verse was Pearl's full verse, not previously used in an American production.

Coaches J90 01

Coaches from the 1990 cast of the Japan Tour

The 1987 Japan/Australia Tour production took less inspiration from Broadway for this number, and introduced the format also used in Germany, with Buffy and Dinah, both "food cars", sharing a verse and Ashley and Pearl having full introductions.

When Starlight Express was revised in London in 1992 the song was shortened. Buffy's verses were mixed with Ashley's, and Ashley's extra interruption at the end was cut. This version established a hierarchy, with Pearl and Dinah as principal characters and Ashley and Buffy as secondaries.

'A Whole Lotta Locomotion' and 'I Got Me'[]

The 2003 US Tour replaced "A Lotta Locomotion" with a new song, "Whole Lotta Locomotion". This song gives only brief introductions to the coaches then tells of the coaches's wanting to 'couple up' with an engine. In 2013, "Ne Lok mit Locomotion" was cut from the German production in Bochum and changed to "Nie Genug", the German translation of "A Whole Lotta Locomotion".

"A Whole Lotta Locomotion" was in turn replaced by a newer song, "I Am Me", beginning with the 2017 workshop.


1983 Workshop Lyrics[]

PEARL: A lotta locomotion
DINAH: That's what we need,
COACHES: From a locomotive who can
Take the lead,
From the Eastern Ocean
To the Western Sea,
Locomotion's gonna
Carry me.
A lotta locomotion,
That's what we need,
If we are ever gonna
Get up speed.
A lotta locomotion
And the right approach
For there are lots of different
Kinds of coach.
ASHLEY: Like me I'm Ashley,
I'm the smoking car.
I've tried to kick the habit
But my insides used to tar,
I know if I don't give up
I might choke or have a stroke.
That scares me,
And when I'm scared,
Boy I need a smoke.
COACHES: A lotta locomotion,
That's what we need,
If we are ever gonna
Get up speed.
ASHLEY: A lotta locomotion
I need no (?)
DINAH: My name is Dinah,
I'm the dining car.
I'll cook for you and listen
While you lean upon my bar.
I'll serve you with your dinner
While the train goes loop-de-loop.
Gee I'm sorry gentlemen,
I hope you wanted soup.
COACHES: A lotta locomotion,
That's what we need,
If we are ever gonna
Get up speed.
DINAH: A lotta locomotion
I got already
I’ve got Greaseball-y(?)
And I’m going steady
PEARL: My name's Pearl, I'm a brand new girl,
My springs still bounce, my fans still whirl.
Ain't gonna smoke, ain't gonna drink.
COACHES: What are you gonna do?
PEARL: What do you think?
COACHES: A lotta locomotion,
Underneath the sun,
Gonna try them all until she
Finds the one,
From the Eastern Ocean
To the Coast out West...
PEARL: Gonna test them all until I find the best,
COACHES: A Lotta locomotion,
That's what we need,
From a locomotive who can
Take the lead.
From the Eastern Ocean
To the Western Sea...
Don't stop the pistons stroking,
Don't stop the firemen stoking.
ASHLEY: Don't make me give up smoking,
DINAH: Give up smoking?
COACHES: You gotta be joking,
Locomotion's gonna carry me.

Original London Lyrics[]

PEARL: A lotta locomotion,
COACHES: That's what we need,
From a locomotive who can
Take the lead,
From the Eastern Ocean
To the Western Sea,
Locomotion's gonna
Carry me.
A lotta locomotion,
That's what we need,
If we are ever gonna
Get up speed.
A lotta locomotion
And the right approach
For there are lots of different
Kinds of coach.
ASHLEY: Like me I'm Ashley,
I'm the smoking car.
I've tried to kick the habit
But my insides used to tar,
I know if I don't give up
I might choke or have a stroke.
That scares me,
And when I'm scared,
Boy I need a smoke.
BUFFY: Buffy at your service,
Ever open wide.
My microwave is cooking
To warm you from inside.
A lotta locomotion
Will do the trick.
Come and bite my burgers,
I'm hot and cheap and quick.
DINAH: My name is Dinah,
I'm the dining car.
I'll cook for you and listen
While you lean upon my bar.
I'll serve you with your dinner
While the train goes loop-de-loop.
Gee I'm sorry gentlemen,
I hope you wanted soup.
COACHES: A lotta locomotion,
That's what we need,
If we are ever gonna
Get up speed.
From the Eastern Ocean
To the Western Sea
Locomotion's gonna
Carry me.
PEARL: My name's Pearl, I'm a brand new girl,
My springs still bounce, my fans still whirl.
Ain't gonna smoke, ain't gonna drink.
COACHES: What are you gonna do?
PEARL: What do you think?
COACHES: A lotta locomotion,
Underneath the sun,
Gonna try them all until she
Finds the one,
From the Eastern Ocean
To the Coast out West...
PEARL: Gonna test them all until I find the best,
COACHES: A Lotta locomotion,
That's what we need,
No one can stop us when we
Take the lead.
From the Eastern Ocean
To the Western Sea...
Don't stop the pistons stroking,
Don't stop the firemen stoking.
ASHLEY: Don't make me give up smoking,
COACHES: Give up smoking?
ASHLEY: You gotta be joking,
COACHES: Locomotion's gonna carry me.

1987 Broadway Concept Album Lyrics[]

A lotta locomotion,
That's what I need.
No one can stop me when we
Take the lead.
From the Eastern ocean
To the Western coast,
Gotta find the motion that can
Move me most.
Travelin' song, and I'm on the move.
Got the right train for today.
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm
On my way.
Got a one way ticket
To somewhere down the track,
And I just don't know if I'll be
Coming back.
A lotta locomotion,
That's what I need,
If we are ever gonna
Get up speed.
I got the notion,
I made up my mind.
A lotta locomotion's what I'm
Gonna find.
I'll decide if we take a ride.
Take me into town.
You can pick me up, but I can
Put you down.
Look out for the signal.
That'll let you know
When you should stop
And when you should go.
A lotta locomotion,
That's what I need.
No one can stop me when we
Take the lead.
A lotta locomotion,
That's what I need.
No one can stop me when we
Take the lead.
From the Eastern ocean
To the Western coast,
Gotta find the motion that can
Move me most.
A lotta locomotion,
That's what I need,
If we are ever gonna
Get up speed.
I got the notion,
I made up my mind.
A lotta locomotion's what I'm
Gonna find.

Broadway Lyrics[]

In the Broadway production, Pearl left with Rusty to get cleaned up and doesn't return until "Freight", thus missing her role in "A Lotta Locomotion" entirely. Due to this, Buffy took her place with Buffy's lines sung to the melody usually given to Pearl.

BUFFY: Buffy here, I'll sell you a beer,
I'll smile at you like I'm sincere.
Thank you no, I don't drink.
COACHES: What do you do then?
BUFFY: What do you think?
Dinah Buffy Ashley US87 2

Dinah, Buffy, and Ashley, without Pearl, Broadway 1987

Japan/Australia Tour Lyrics[]

Direct English version of the better known German arrangement.

DINAH: Like me, I’m Dinah,
I'm the dining car.
I'll pamper you with passion fruit,
Champagne and caviar.
BUFFY: Buffy here, I'll sell you a beer,
I'll smile at you like I'm sincere.
Not too much or you may drown.
What’d you know? He’s fallen down!
ASHLEY: My name is Ashley, I'm the smoking car.
I've tried to kick the habit
But my insides used to tar
I know if I don't give up
I might choke or have a stroke.
That scares me,
And when I'm scared,
Boy I need a smoke.

1987 Japan/Australia Tour Programme Translation[]

The translation of the song lyrics featured in the 1987 programme. These lyrics were NOT what were sung live during the tour, which was sung in English. The 1990s Programme contained minor changes including a different order of the first four lines as well as another chorus between Ashley and Pearl's introductions.

パール (Japanese): アタシたちに必要なのは PEARL (English): What we need is


強い力よ PEARL & DINAH: A powerful force

ダイナ バフィ

先頭に立ってくれる PEARL & DINAH & BUFFY: They will lead the way -
全員: 機関車よ ALL: A Locomotive!
東の海から西の海まで From the eastern sea to the western sea
アタシを運んでくれるロコモーション Locomotion is what carries me
アタシたちに必要なのは強い力 What we need is a powerful force
スピードを出すにはどうしてもそれがなきゃ We need it to go fast
強い力と適切な判断力 A lot of power and good judgment
いろんな種類の客車があるんだから For there are many types of carriages
ダイナ: 私はダイナ、食堂車よ DINAH: I'm Dinah, the Dining Car
情熱のフルーツや I'll be serving you passion fruit and
シャンペンにキャビアでおもてなししますわ I'll treat you to champagne and caviar.
パフィ: バフィはビュッフェ、ビールはアタシよ BUFFY: Buffy the Buffet Car, beer's on me
真心の笑顔でサービス Served with a sincere smile
ごゆっくり酔っぱらいあそばせ Have a good time getting drunk
あらまあ、もうおやすみ? Oh dear, is it goodnight already?
アシュレー: 私はアシュレー、喫煙車 ASHLEY: I'm Ashley, the Smoking Car
やめたいのは山々だけど、中はヤニだらけ As much as I'd like to stop, there's too much tar inside
やめなきゃ体に悪いのはわかってる I know it's bad for me if I don't stop
怖いわ、でも怖くなると I'm scared, but when I get scared
また吸わずにいられないのよ I just can't help smoking again
パール: 私はパール新入りなの PEARL: I'm Pearl, I'm new here.
シートはフカフカ、扇風機もついてるわ I have fluffy seats and a fan.
お酒もタバコもやらないの I don't drink or smoke.

パフィ ダイナ

じゃあ何するの? ASHLEY & BUFFY & DINAH: Then what do you do?
バール: ご想像におまかせするわ PEARL: I'll leave it to your imagination
全員: アタシたちに必要なのは強いカ ALL: What we need is a powerful force
先頭に立ってくれる機関車よ A Locomotive that will lead the way
東の海から西の海まで From the eastern sea to the western sea
アタシを運んでくれるロコモーション Locomotion is what carries me
ピストンを止めちゃダメよ Do not stop the pistons
機関士さんかんばって Hang on, engineer
アシュレー: 私はタバコをやめないわよ ASHLEY: I'm not going to stop smoking


タバコやめるんだって? DINAH & BUFFY: You're going to stop smoking?
アシュレー: ウソでしょ! ASHLEY: No way!
全員: アタシを運んでくれるロコモーション ALL: Locomotion is what carries me

1997 Mexico + Translation[]

Con Mucho Chucu Chucu (With lots of Choo-choo) is sung by Bacha (Ashley), Botana (Buffy), Vianda (Dinah), and Perla (Pearl).[1]

BACHA (Spanish): Ya se cree muy capaz ASHLEY (English): Already he thinks he's capable
PERLA: Ferro no insistas más PEARL: Rusty, don't insist any more
VIANDA: Es el bueno el mejor DINAH: The good one is the best one
BOTANA: Para ver el perdedor BUFFY: To see the loser
COCHES: Con mucho chucu chucu COACHES: With a lot of chugga-chugga
Y más acción And more action
Veré quien me acelerá I'll see who will accelerate my
La emoción Emotion
Con mucho chucu chucu With a lot of chugga-chugga
Porque hay muchos carros Because there are many cars
Para un tren For a train
VIANDA: Carro comedor es el buen comer DINAH: A dining car is good for eating
BACHA: Carro Fumador es un gran placer ASHLEY: A smoking car is a great pleasure
BOTANA: En el vagón Buffet calmará su sed BUFFY: In the buffet car, you can quench your thirst
PERLA: Tenemos por deber PEARL: It is our duty
El servirle a Usted. To serve you.
COCHES: Con mucho chucu chucu COACHES: With a lot of chugga-chugga
Y más acción And more action
Veré quien me acelera I'll see who will accleareate my
La emoción Emotion
Con un Chucu chucu With a chugga-chugga
Ando como tris I'll feel good
Voy al fin del mundo muy feliz I'll go to the end of the world, very happy
PERLA: Perla soy nuevesita estoy PEARL: Pearl, I'm new here
Por eso no, no bebo no Because of this, I do not drink
Ni de beber, ni de fumar Neither drink, nor smoke
COCHES: ¿Que puedes hacer? COACHES: What do you do?
PERLA: Ponganse a pensar PEARL: Try to think
COCHES: Con un chucu chucu COACHES: With a chugga-chugga
Corres y ya We run and then
Creo en el ferrocarril I believe in the train
Que ganará That will win
Con un chucuc chucu With a chugga-chugga
Ando como tris I'll feel good
Voy al fin del mundo muy feliz. I'm going to the end of the world very happy.

German Lyrics[]

The Bochum production used a direct translation of the Japan/Australia version, with the two food cars, Buffy and Dinah, sharing a verse.

PEARL: Ne Lok mit Locomotion
COACHES: Wünsch ich mir
Nen Zug, der uns bewegt, den
Brauchen wir!
Ganz egal wohin er
Mit uns fahren will
Locomotion bringt uns
Schnell ans Ziel
Ne Lok mit Locomotion,
Brauchen wir
Denn ohne Lok kommen wir nie
Weg von hier!
Ne Lok mit Locomotion
Und viel Gefühl,
Denn jeder Wagen hat 'nen
Eignen Stil!
DINAH: Ich heiße Dinah,
Ich bin fürs Essen da
Ich koche gut und hab' 'nen Platz
Für dich an meiner Bar.
BUFFY: Buffy - hier bei mir gibt's Bier.
Und auch ein Lächeln schenk ich dir.
Nicht zuviel, das macht krank.
Siehste wohl, schon liegt er lang!
ASHLEY: Hi, ich bin Ashley.
Bin der Rauchwaggon
Ich kann es halt nicht lassen.
Nikotin bin ich gewohnt
Ich weiß, das Rauch mir schadet.
Dennoch krieg ich nie genug
Wenn ich dran denkt,
Krieg ich 'nen Schreck.
Drum nehm' ich schnell 'nen Zug!
COACHES: Ne Lok mit Locomotion
Brauchen wir,
Denn ohne Lok kommen wir nie
Weg von hier 
Ganz egal wohin er
Mit uns fahren will.
Locomotion bringt uns
Schnell ans Ziel!
PEARL: Ich heiß Pearl, bin neu im Verkehr.
Bin noch sehr schön, bin sehr bequem
Ich rauche nicht und trink' kein Bier!
COACHES: Was machst du dann?
PEARL: Was glaubt ihr?
COACHES: Ne Lok mit Lokomotion
Brauchen wir,
Denn ohne Lok kommen wir nie
Weg von hier!
Ganz egal wohin er
Mit uns fahren will.
Locomotion bringt uns
Schnell ans Ziel 
COACHES: Ne Lok mit Lokomotion
Brauchen wir
Drum lasst den Schornstein rauchen,
Weil wir das Feuer brauchen
ASHLEY: Ich hör nie auf zu rauchen!
COACHES: Lass das rauchen!
ASHLEY: Bin nicht zu gebrauchen!
COACHES: Locomotion ist, was uns bewegt!

Revised German Lyrics[]

Slight lyric changes were made to Dinah and Pearl's verses, with Pearl completing her own verse without interjection from the other coaches.

DINAH: Ich heiße Dinah,
Ich bin fürs Essen da
Ich koche gut und hör Dir zu,
Bist Du an meiner Bar!
BUFFY: Buffy hier bei mir gibt's Bier.
Und auch ein Lächeln schenk ich dir.
Nicht zuviel, das macht krank.
Siehste wohl, schon liegt er lang!
PEARL: Ich heiß Pearl, bin neu im Verkehr.
Bin noch sehr schön, bin sehr bequem
Ich biete Luxus, bin charmant,
Als erste Klasse weltbekannt!

A Lotta Locomotion - German TV 2009

US Tour Lyrics[]

Combining Dinah and Pearl for one verse, allowing Buffy to take the final verse as in the Broadway production.

DINAH: Like me, I’m Dinah,
I'm the dining car.
I'll cook for you and listen,
While you lean upon my bar.
PEARL: But if you're into luxury,
Then give my fans a whirl
With me, the world's your oyster.
That's why they call me Pearl.
ASHLEY: My name is Ashley,
I'm the smoking car.
I've tried to kick the habit
But my insides used to tar,
I know if I don't give up
I might choke or have a stroke
That scares me,
And when I'm scared,
Boy I need a smoke.
COACHES: A lotta locomotion,
That's what we need
If we are ever gonna get up speed
From the Eastern Ocean to the Western Sea
Locomotion's gonna carry me.
BUFFY: Buffy here, I'll sell you a beer,
I'll smile at you like I'm sincere.
Thank you no, I don't drink.
COACHES: What do you do then?
BUFFY: What do you think?

Revised London Lyrics[]

Another re-working, from the original London version with 4 verses, giving priority to Dinah and Pearl over Buffy and Ashley.

DINAH: Like me, I’m Dinah,
I'm the dining car
I'll cook for you and listen
While you lean upon my bar
I'll serve you with your dinner
While the train goes loop-de-loop
Gee I'm sorry gentlemen,
I hope you wanted soup.
BUFFY: I'm Buffy, have a sandwich,
Each one is curled by hand.
ASHLEY: I'm Ashley, I'm a smoker,
The last one in the land.
BUFFY: I stack the snacks in plastic packs,
The range is really wide.
ASHLEY: Eat the plastic, that's fantastic,
BOTH: But don't touch what's inside!

A Lotta Locomotion - London, 2002

Lotta Locomotion - London 2002

Las Vegas Lyrics[]

All four Coaches shared the first verse, and Pearl also had her solo verse.

DINAH: You need a dining car so you eat what’s right.
ASHLEY: You need a smoking car to get you through the night.
BUFFY: You need a buffet car or you’ll die of thirst.
PEARL: You need a car with class and that class is first.

Unused 2nd US Tour Lyrics[]

While the 2nd US Tour never ended up using A Lotta Locomotion, debuting Whole Lotta Locomotion instead, some lyrics were crafted in the revised London format, never to be used.

DINAH: My name is Dinah,
I'm the dining car.
I'll cook for you and listen
While you lean upon my bar.
I'll serve you with your dinner
While the train goes loop-the-loop.
Gee I'm sorry gentlemen,
I hope you wanted soup.
BUFFY: I'm Buffy, I'm the buffet car,
With stacks of snacks for sale,
ASHLEY: I'm Ashley, I'm a smoker,
But I try not to inhale.....
BUFFY: Got soda pop and candy bars,
Got donuts, beer and chips...
ASHLEY: Ten minutes in the buffet car...
ALL: A lifetime on the hips!