Starlight Express the Musical Wiki

"Dinah, You're Honoured" is a short scene in which Purse is sent to fetch Dinah to race with Electra. The scene largely mirrors Purse's earlier invitation to Pearl.


Dinah, having just worked through her sadness and anger at Greaseball dumping her, leaps at the chance to race with Electra. As Purse leads Dinah, Ashley and Buffy away, Dinah comments "but if Greaseball changes his mind..." to the exasperation of the other coaches.


In the 1992 London revamp, this scene was extended. The revamp had removed the character of Caboose, who raced with Rusty in the Downhill Final, meaning that Rusty needed a new partner.

Ashley and Buffy remained onstage as Rusty collected Buffy to be his partner (their conversation reprises "Crazy"). Ashley left with Bobo.


Original London Lyrics[]

PURSE: Dinah, you're honoured, Electra has chosen.
DINAH: Yeah, okay, I'll race with him!
But if Greaseball changes his mind...

Revised London Addition[]

ASHLEY: So who do we go with?
BUFFY: You and the French train make a great team!
ASHLEY: You take Rusty, use a head of steam.
BUFFY: Crazy, I'm stuck with the slow one, it's Crazy!
RUSTY: Hey, it's me, or it's no-one, I'm crazy.
BOTH: Going crazy, going crazy, going crazy...

1997 Mexico + Translation[]

The Mexican production's version follows the Original London structure[1]

GASTON (Spanish): Vianda que suerte te quiere Electra PURSE (English): Dinah, what luck, Electra wants you
VIANDA: Si muy bien será mi tren DINAH: Yes, very well, he can be my train
Pero, y si Turbo se arrepiente But, if Greaseball regrets it…
BACHA & BOTANA: Hay!! Vianda!! ASHLEY & BUFFY: Hey! Dinah!!

German Lyrics[]

PURSE: Dinah, es ehrt dich, Electra lässt fragen...
DINAH: Ja, okay, ich fahr' mit ihm!
Aber wenn Greaseball mich doch noch will...?
BUFFY & ASHLEY: Ach Dinah!

2017 London Workshop Lyrics[]

KILLERWATT: Dinah, you're honored, Electra has chosen.
DINAH: Okay, I'll race with him.
BELLE: No, leave him alone!
DINAH: It’s okay for you: you’re strong, but I’m frightened
Frightened of being left on my own
Tell him yes, I'll help him win the cup!
But if Greaseball changes his mind...
BELLE: Oh, I give up.

2018 German Lyrics[]

KILLERWATT: Dinah, es ehrt Dich, Elektra wählt dich aus.
DINAH: Okay, ich fahr mit ihm.
BELLE: Nein Dinah, sag nein!
DINAH: Das sagst du so leicht weil du ja auch stark bist
Doch ich hab Angst alleine zu sein.
Sag Elektra, dass ich mit ihm lauf!
Aber wenn Greaseball mich doch noch will?
BELLE: Ach, ich geb‘s auf...