Starlight Express the Musical Wiki
Starlight Express the Musical Wiki

At the finish line of the last heat, all the characters assemble to give their opinions on who's made it into the final.


At the end of Race: Heat Three, Poppa is exhausted and close to death, but has won a place in the final. Poppa nominates Rusty to take his place in the Final, in front of the Freight and Belle, but Rusty is reluctant.

Then Greaseball, and his gang, Electra with Pearl and his components, the National engines and the coaches, all find them and laugh at Rusty. Pearl publicly sides with Electra, which provokes Rusty to fight back, and take Poppa's place in the final race. Caboose speaks up and reminds Rusty he's right there to help. The ensemble leave Rusty calling him a "Laughing Stock", and saying "He hasn't got a chance".

However, with Caboose being cut in the 1992 London Revamp, Rusty instead interrupts Pearl and yells, "Stop! I'll take Poppa's place!" This change was added in the Bochum 2001 production, with the translation being, "Stop! Ich spring für Papa ein," but then, in 2003, they decided to add Caboose's line back, but still keep Rusty's interruption. In 2008, they decided to go back to the 2001 change.

Rusty is left alone to sing Starlight Express at the end of act 1.


Original London Lyrics[]

RUSTY: Hey there, Poppa, you were great
Poppa, look at you, your boiler is cold
DUSTIN: My fault
I'm too heavy for an engine that old
He should not be pulling freight
POPPA: Rusty, Rusty listen to me, I can't carry on
Looks as though my racing days have just come and gone
Proved I could do it, showed I was once great!
Can't do it now, though, can't manage the weight.
But got me a position, got a placing in the race
Now Rusty, I can trust you,
Take it for me, go and enter in my place!
Get in there and win the game!
RUSTY: No, Poppa, No!
POPPA: Must I kill myself to make you see sense?
RUSTY: Poppa! I do not believe, no point in pretense
And I couldn't take that losing shame!
GREASEBALL: Well lookie here, they said this train could go 
If it could go at all, it'd sure go slow! 
Don't stop now - you gotta keep it going all night 
Will you be racing in his place? 
FREIGHT: Should do! 
GREASEBALL: Then you can prove that steam is really through! 
Don't stop Poppa, don't stop Rusty 
FREIGHT: Leave old Poppa, leave young Rusty 
FREIGHT/GANG: Leave old/don't stop Poppa, leave young/don't stop Rusty 
ELECTRA: Clear my track, what's all this rubbish? 
This rusty wreck must go! Clear my track! 
PEARL: Clear my track, this is my train now! 
This could be my dream! Clear my track! 
CABOOSE: All alone, you think you're on your own
You think there's no one in the world
But look behind,
And then you'll find
There's me.
RUSTY: I'm gonna race you, Greaseball 
GANG: Hahahahahaha! 
RUSTY: I'm gonna race you, Electra! 
COMPONENTS: *hysterical digital shriek* 
RUSTY: I'm gonna show you just what steam can do! 
ALL: Rolling stock, he'll be a laughing stock! 
Rolling stock, laughing stock! 
Rolling stock, laughing stock...(as they exit) 
POPPA: That's my boy - I knew you'd believe. 
RUSTY: Poppa, I have to believe...
I have no choice...

1997 Mexico + Translation[]

El Bufon del Riel (The Fool of the Rails)[1]

TIZNE: Jefe fuieste el mejor DUSTIN: Poppa, you were the best!
Jefe que pasó? se enfrió tu vapor Poppa what happened? Your steam is cold
Por mi, peso mucho para un viejo vapor It's because of me, I weigh a lot for an old steamer
Ya no debe de cargar Now he cannot carry cargo
JEFE: Ferro, Ferro oyeme bien POPPA: Rusty, Rusty, hear me well
Ya no puedo más I can't do anything more
No podré volver a ser I can never go back to
Lo que fuí, jamás What I was
Pero fuí grande y lo demostré But I was great and I showed them
No puedo seguir. mi fuerza agoté I can't go on, my strength is spent
No obstante en la carrera Despite that, in the race
Yo me pude colocar, ahora I have a place right now
Es tu turno, eres joven It's your turn, you're young
Entra y corre en mi lugar Enter, and run in my place
Entra y se el ganador Enter and be the winner
FERRO: No jefe, no RUSTY: No Poppa, no
JEFE: Lo entenderás al verme morir POPPA: You won't understand until you see me die
FERRO: Ya no tengo fe, no quiero seguir.. RUSTY: I don't have faith, I don't want to follow...
JEFE: Naciste para perdedor POPPA: You were born to be a loser
TURBO: Si dicen que tu eres el mejor GREASEBALL: If they say that you were the best
No quiero imaginar quien es el peor I don't want to imagine who was the worst
Sigue así te falta mucho que demostrar You must have much to show us
Acepta ir en su lugar Accept it and go in his place
GANGS: Ten fe GANG: Have faith!
TURBO: Y al entierro del vapor ir GREASEBALL: And steam will be buried
Sigue Jefe, Sigue Ferro Keep going Poppa, Keep going Rusty
No, no Jefe, no, no Ferro No, no Poppa, No, no Rusty
Sigue Jefe, Sigue Ferro. Keep going Poppa, Keep going Rusty
ELECTRA: Vía libre que se vaya el tasto de vapor ELECTRA: Clear the tracks the steamer must go!
Basta Ya!! That's enough!!
PERLA: Vía libre, aunque se que este en mi tren PEARL: Clear the tracks, this is my train
Basta Ya!! That's enough!!
FERRO: Basta Ya!! RUSTY: That's enough!!
Correré en lugar del Jefe... I'm going to run in Poppa's place...
Voy a ganarte Turbo I'm going to beat you Greaseball
Voy a ganarte Electra I'm gonna beat you Electra
Voy a enseñarles que es el vapor I'm going to teach you what steam is!
CÍA: Tú serás el gran Bufon del Riel COMPANY: You'll be the great fool of the rails
Tú Serás Bufón del Riel You'll be the fool of the rails
Tú serás Burla del Riel You'll be the fool of the rails
Tú serás burla del Riel You'll be the fool of the rails
Tú serás burla del Riel You'll be the fool of the rails
Jamás podrás ganar You never can win
Tú serás burla del riel You'll be the fool of the rails
JEFE: Veo que recobras la fe POPPA: I see you have recovered faith
FERRO: Pero, me queda ya muy poca fe RUSTY: But I have so very little faith left

In the 2024 Wembley Production, “Must I kill myself to make you see sense?” was changed to “Must I exhaust myself to make you see sense?”.

German Lyrics[]

RUSTY: Oh man, Papa, du warst toll!
Aber Papa schau, dein Kessel ist kalt!
DUSTIN: Ich weiß! Bin zu schwer für ihn und er ist zu alt.
Dieses Rennen war zu doll.
PAPA: Rusty. Rusty, hör' mir zu, ich kann jetzt nicht mehr.
Dieses Rennen war für mich wohl doch zu schwer.
Ich hab' gewonnen, ich hab' es geschafft.
Doch wie du siehst, hab' ich nicht mehr die Kaft,
Jetzt noch einmal zu rennen, bis zum Schluss dabei zu sein.
'Drum Rusty, dir vertrau' ich,
Du musst für mich rennen, sollst der Sieger sein.
Rusty, du musst für mich los!
RUSTY: Nein, Papa, nein!
PAPA: Deine Zweifel bringen mich noch ins Grab!
RUSTY: Ich glaub' nicht, dass ich dabei Chancen hab'...
GREASEBALL: Ich hab' gehört, der macht beim Rennen mit?
Der glaubt im Ernst, er sei tatsächlich fit?
Du machst mit und keiner kann dich bremsen, heut' Nacht?
Nimmst du jetzt seine Stelle ein?
GANG: Na klar!
GREASEBALL: Beweist dann allen: Dampf ist viel zu schwach.
Mach' mit Papa, mach' mit Rusty!
ROCKIES, DUSTIN, CABOOSE: Lass es Papa, lass es Rusty!
Lass es Papa, lass es Rusty!
GREASEBALL, FLAT-TOP, HASHAMOTO: Mach' mit Papa, mach' mit Rusty!
ELECTRA: Aus dem Weg, was soll der Unsinn?
COMPONENTS: Der Rost kann doch nicht fahr'n?
ELECTRA: Aus dem Weg!
PEARL: Aus dem Weg, ich will mit ihm geh'n.
Er ist jetzt mein Traum, aus dem Weg!
CABOOSE: Ganz allein, niemand will bei dir sein
Die Welt scheint leer und ohne Sinn
Schau zu mir hin, du weißt ich bin
Dein Freund.
RUSTY: Ich renn' gegen dich, Greaseball!
RUSTY: Ich renn' gegen dich, Electra!
RUSTY: Ich werd' euch zeigen, was Dampf noch kann!
ROCKIES, CABOOSE, DUSTIN, COACHES: Er hat doch keine Chance!
ROCKIES, CABOOSE, DUSTIN, COACHES: Er hat doch keine Chance!
PAPA: Ich wusste es, du glaubst also doch.
RUSTY: Papa, ich muss doch glauben, hab' keine Wahl.

