Starlight Express the Musical Wiki

For other versions of this number, see Only He (disambiguation)

"Only You" is one version of the duet sung between Rusty and Pearl. The song referred to in this article is the second version to use the title, separate from the 1984 London version. This full song version of "Only You" is often referred to by the German title "Du Allein" to disambiguate it from the reprise version in the original production.


During the final race, Pearl is racing with Greaseball, but injured by Electra in the fighting. Greaseball dangerously disconnects her at high speed, and she falls out of control. Rusty spends precious moments of race time to catch her, and once she is safe, he races off. Pearl is left alone, injured, reflecting on her foolish mistakes. Meanwhile, Rusty has gone on to win the race, but rather than celebrate his victory he leaves to find Pearl.

Pearl has been sitting alone, singing that she now realises it was Rusty she was looking for all along, but now it might be too late. Rusty finds her, tells her that she didn't make him lose - he won the race, and they realise their love for each other.

This version of the love song was introduced in London in 1985, following Stephanie Lawrence leaving the show. Her showstopping, bombastic solo song had been released as a single but to little chart success, and was replaced by the softer, sweeter duet version sung by Kim Leeson and Ray Shell[1]. It was first recorded in the Broadway (1987) production, and subsequently used in 1987 Japan/Australia Tour, Bochum (1988), 1989 US Tour, and 1990 Japan Tour. The song was used in London until 1992, but replaced by Next Time You Fall In Love in the revamp, and in subsequent productions.

The German production replaced "Du Allein" with "Allein in Licht der Sterne" in 2002, however they kept using a reprise of this duet at the start of the finale for a number of years, despite the different love song.


The melody is immediately apparent as a reprise of The Starlight Express's melody in the Starlight Sequence, when he appears to Rusty and shows him his courage and confidence. Similarly this song has themes of Rusty and Pearl discovering their true feelings for each other. This duet version of the song removes the mid-section from Only He which includes downwards octave leaps and the modulation, simplifying the structure and shortening the song. Rather than being a show-stopping solo for Pearl to belt, this song is very suitable for the situation, being reflective and sweet.


1987 Broadway Concept Album Lyrics[]

Have to power to move me
And together we'll make
The whole world move in sympathy
But I couldn't see before
Only You
Have the power to move me
Take me hold me mold me
Change me and improve me
It's not funny any more
There was I,
There was I
Wondering why
I was wondering why
Every day
Disappeared into the distance Disappeared into the distance
Now with you Now with you
The light is shining through The light is shining through
You gave me life not just existence
Only you
You are the Starlight
Have the power to move me
We can achieve
And together we'd make
The whole world move in sympathy The whole world move in sympathy
Only you have the power to move me
There was I,
There was I
Wondering why
I was wondering why
Every day Every day
Disappeared into the distance Disappeared into the distance
Now with you Now with you
The light is shining through The light is shining through
You gave me life not just existence You gave me life not just existence
Only you Only you, woah, only you
Have to power to move me Have to power to move me
And together we'll make And together we'll make
The whole world move in sympathy The whole world move in sympathy
But I couldn't see before
No, I couldn't see before
That only you That only you
Have the power to move me Have the power to move me
Take me hold me mold me Take me hold me mold me
Change me and improve me Change me and improve me
Only you have the power
To move me Move me

Broadway Lyrics[]

PEARL: Only You have to power to move me
And together we'll make the whole world move in sympathy
But I couldn't see before, that
Only You have the power to move me
Take me hold me mold me
Change me and improve me
It's not funny any more
There was I, wondering why
Every day disappeared into the distance
Now with you the light is shining through
You gave me life not just existence
Only You have the power to move me
And together we'll make the whole world move in sympathy
Only You have the power to move me
RUSTY: Pearl, I had to find you! Are you alright?
PEARL: Rusty, I'm fine, but I made you lose the race!
RUSTY: You didn't make me lose, you made me win!
PEARL: You won?
RUSTY: We won! Come on!
BOTH: There was I wondering why
Every day disappeared into the distance
Now with you the light is shining through
You gave me life not just existence
Only You have the power to move me
And together we'll make the whole world move in sympathy
PEARL: Brighten up the darkest sky
RUSTY: Brighten up the darkest sky
BOTH: If Only You use the power to move me
Take me hold me mold me
Change me and improve me
We can make it happen you and I!

German Lyrics + Translation[]

PEARL (German): Oh Rusty... PEARL (English): Oh Rusty...
Du allein' You alone
Gibst mir Kraft zu leben. Give me strength to live.
Und die Welt ist wunderschön, And the world is beautiful,
Wenn wir zusammen sind. When we're together.
Nie zuvor war mir so klar: Never before was it so clear to me:
Nur du allein' Only you alone
Gibst mir Kraft zu leben. Give me strength to live.
Nimm mich, halt' mich, führ' mich, Take me, hold me, guide me,
Spür' mich und versteh' mich, Feel me and understand me,
Denn ich weiß es jetzt genau, Because now I know for sure,
Ganz genau: That's right:
Hier bin ich, suche dich, Here I am, seeking you,
Jeder Tag ohne dich ist ohne Hoffnung. Every day without you is without hope.
Doch mit dir But with you
Wird's endlich hell in mir, It's finally getting bright in me,
Du bist das Licht meinem Leben. You are the light of my life.
Du allein' You alone
Gibst mir Kraft zu leben. Give me strength to live.
Und die Welt ist wunderschön, And the world is beautiful,
Wenn wir zusammen sind. When we're together.
Du allein' kannst mein Leben bewegen. You alone can move my life.
RUSTY: Pearl? RUSTY: Pearl?
Ich hab' dich gesucht, I've been looking for you,
Ist alles okay? Is everything okay?
PEARL: Ich bin okay, PEARL: I am okay,
Aber meinetwegen hast du verloren! But you lost because of me!
RUSTY: Das stimmt nicht, RUSTY: That's not true!
Deinetwegen hab' ich gewonnen! I won because of you!
PEARL: Du hast gewonnen? PEARL: You won?
RUSTY: Ich hab' gewonnen, komm! RUSTY: I won, come on!
PEARL: Hier bin ich - PEARL: Here I am -
RUSTY: Hier bin ich RUSTY: Here I am
PEARL: Suche dich - PEARL: Seeking you -
RUSTY: Suche dich RUSTY: Seeking you
BOTH: Jeder Tag ohne dich war ohne Hoffnung. BOTH: Every day without you was without hope.
Doch mit dir But with you
Wird's endlich hell in mir, It's finally getting bright in me,
Du bist das Licht in meinem Leben. You are the light of my life.
Du allein' You alone
Gibst mir Kraft zu leben. Give me strength to live.
Und die Welt ist wunderschön, And the world is beautiful,
Wenn wir zusammen sind. When we're together.
PEARL: Selbst die Nacht ist für mich hell - PEARL: Even the night is bright for me -
RUSTY: Selbst die Nacht ist für mich hell! RUSTY: Even the night is bright for me!
BOTH: Nur du allein' BOTH: Only you alone
Gibst mir Kraft zu leben. Give me strength to live.
Nimm mich, halt' mich, führ' mich, Take me, hold me, guide me,
Spür' mich und versteh' mich, Feel me and understand me,
Und wir werden's schaffen, wir allein'! And we will make it, we alone!



  1. Recollections by Ray Shell and others working on the show at the time, Facebook discussions.