Starlight Express the Musical Wiki
Starlight Express the Musical Wiki

This short scene is the final piece in the plot, where Rusty and Pearl get congratulated by everyone, Greaseball and Dinah reconcile, and Poppa offers hope for the future with the power of steam. This scene leads into "Light at the End of the Tunnel".


Rusty and Pearl have fallen into each other's arms at the end of their love song, but almost immediately Poppa, who set off with Greaseball, Electra, Caboose, Dustin, and the entire ensemble, catch up with the lovers. Rusty and Pearl get congratulated all round for both the race Victory and for their happiness together.

Greaseball, Electra and Caboose, all still damaged from "One Rock & Roll Too Many", collapse on the floor. Dinah arrives late, and seeing her beloved Greaseball battered and in pain, she can't resist going to him. He - with full marks for effort if not for accuracy - spells out to her his apology. Poppa then suggests that Greaseball, and Electra, could find a place in the future if they converted to Steam.

In some productions, Control then tries to assert authority, but the entire ensemble yell back "Shut it, Control" and Poppa leads us into "Light at the End of the Tunnel".


Original London[]

For most of the history of Starlight Express, this number changed very little from one production to the next.

The original London show had an additional few lines for Ashley and Buffy, commenting on the happy ending:

BUFFY: I love it when romance occurs on the railroad
The Steamer she dreamed of turns up right on time
ASHLEY: Now steam is the winner, now steam's back in style,
Maybe smokers might raise an occasional smile?

Musically Ashley and Buffy's lines take the melody from the introduction to "U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D.", and Dinah and Greaseball's dialogue is sung to the main melody. Poppa's lines to convince Greaseball to switch to Steam power are based on "Light at the End of the Tunnel".


The Broadway production used a different version of this scene, lacking the "Well Done Rusty, King of the Track" lyrics.  Instead the production had a convoluted plot involving the "Silver Dollar" - the prize for the race, stolen mid-race by Caboose, that involved a chase scene after the race that led into "One Rock 'n' Roll Too Many".  The final scene before the finale wrapped up this plot, with Rusty proven innocent of the theft rather than congratulated as the winner of the race. Greaseball's line "You think I could be converted to Steam?" was sung by Electra following the removal of No Comeback and his addition to "One Rock 'n' Roll Too Many". However the Dinah/Greaseball dialogue remained.

2017/2018 Updates[]

Beginning with the 2017 workshop, the melody sung by the company was changed to mirror the chorus of a new song written for the production, "I Got Me".


Original London Lyrics[]

ALL: Well done, Rusty, King of the track!
Well done, Rusty, King of the track!
CONTROL: Lap of honor cancelled! Lap of honor cancelled!
Engines to obey Control!!
DINAH: Greaseball you're hurt!
GREASEBALL: No, Dinah, please don't cry.
I'm washed up, I'm finished!
But, gee, Dinah, I...
I'm... I don't know how to tell it...
DINAH: C'mon Greaseball, you can spell it?
GREASEBALL: OK Dinah, I'm...
POPPA: You could be converted!
GREASEBALL: Whaddya mean?
POPPA: Rebuilt! With a new and better form of power!
GREASEBALL: You think I should be converted to Steam?
POPPA: Sure do!
And with Steam, you'll be under your own control!
CONTROL: Engines must obey Control!
Engines must obey Control!
ALL: Shut it, Control!

Broadway Lyrics[]

ALL: Well done Rusty, King of the Track!
Well done Rusty, King of the Track!
DINAH: Greaseball, you're hurt!
GREASEBALL: No Dinah, please don't cry.
I'm washed up , I'm finished!
But please, Dinah, I...
I... I don't know how to say it?
DINAH: C'mon Greaseball, you can spell it?
GREASEBALL: Ok Dinah, I'm...
POPPA: You could be converted!
GREASEBALL: Whaddya mean?
POPPA: Rebuilt! With a new and better form of power!
ELECTRA: You think I could be converted to Steam?
POPPA: Sure do!
And with Steam, you'llbe under your own control!

1997 Mexico + Translation[]


VIANDA (Spanish): Estás muy mal? DINAH (English): How bad is it?
TURBO: No vayas a llorar GREASEBALL: Don't go and cry
Soy piltrafa, Chafa I'm worthless, garbage
Porque soy un...Pu.Po. Because I'm a… Pu… Po
No puedo pronunciarlo I can't pronounce it
VIANDA: Pero puedes deletrearlo DINAH: But you can spell it out
TURBO: Me perdones por ser un GREASEBALL: Forgive me for being a
P.U... P.U... Po.Pe.Ye. (Meathead)
JEFE: Puedes Convertirte POPPA: You could be converted
TURBO: Que quieres decir? GREASEBALL: What do you mean?
JEFE: Cambiar por un mejor motor mas fuerte POPPA: Change to a better, stronger engine
ELECTRA: Podrias convertirme a vapor ELECTRA: You could convert me to steam?
JEFE: Como no POPPA: Of course
Con vapor siempre llevarás With Steam you will always have
Buen Control Good Control

German Lyrics[]

DINAH: Greaseball, tut's weh?
GREASEBALL: Ach Dinah, weine nicht.
Ich bin alle, bin fertig, aber, Dinah, ich...
Ich bin... Ich kann es doch nicht sagen.
DINAH: Buchstabier's, du musst es wagen!
GREASEBALL: Es tut mir sehr L-E-I-T ... nein! D.
PAPA: Ihr müsst konvertieren!
GREASEBALL: Was heißt denn das?
PAPA: Es gibt eine and're Energie für alle!
ELECTRA: Du meinst, ich sollte mich umstellen auf... Dampf?
PAPA: Genau!
Denn mit Dampf bist du immer dein eigener Held.

2017 London Workshop Lyrics[]

ALL: Long live Rusty, king of the track
Number One! Champion!
Long live Rusty, king of the track
See him now take a winner's bow

2018 German Lyrics[]

ALL: Glückwunsch Rusty, du hast gesiegt
Number One, Champion.
Glückwunsch Rusty, du hast gesiegt
Nummer eins, kannst der größte sein!

