Starlight Express the Musical Wiki

Most versions of Starlight Express have kicked off Act 2 with a rap number featuring the whole company. Over the years, there have been 4 distinct versions, all simply called "The Rap". For clarity, the various versions are referred to here by prominent lyrics. They are:

The earliest version of The Rap featured the characters arguing over whether Rusty should be allowed to take Poppa’s place in the final as he had already raced and lost. Later versions of the show cut this part of the story, and so The Rap was rewritten to be a more general celebration of the races and start to the build-up to the Uphill Final.

The Broadway production did not feature a rap. Instead, Act 2 began with a number called "Hymn to Victory" (Originally titled "Hymn to the Silver Dollar"). The "Hymn" was subsequently used in the 1987 Japan/Australia Tour, the 1990 Japan Tour and the 1988 Bochum production, but later replaced by translations of the various raps.
