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"There's Me" is a brief, sweet interlude from the action as Caboose tries to assure Dinah that, although her boyfriend Greaseball has left her, she's not alone.

It was performed in various productions of Starlight Express between 1984 and 2008.


Greaseball and Dinah have won the first heat by conspiring with Caboose. Dinah expresses that she does not like Greaseball cheating and he dumps her for it. Caboose initially makes to follow Greaseball away, but turns back to comfort Dinah, who appears heartbroken.


The original London production staged "There's Me" as a solo for Caboose. From the Broadway show onwards, the song became a duet, with Dinah singing a few lines as well.


That's Me (There's Me) - Dawn Buckland - The New Starlight Express - London 1992

When Caboose was cut from the London production in 1992, choreographer Arlene Phillips fought for "There's Me" to be kept. For 3 weeks during previews of The New Starlight Express, "There's Me" was sung by Graham Martin's Dustin in place of Caboose, then by Dinah alone under the title "That's Me". These versions were ultimately rejected on the grounds that the first act already had 3 other ballads ("He'll Whistle at Me", "Make Up My Heart" and "Starlight Express") and so "There's Me" was cut from the show[1]. It has been excluded from all English productions since then, starting with Las Vegas in 1993.

In Bochum, "There's Me" was shortened, before being cut for good around 2008.


Original London Lyrics[]

CABOOSE: All alone,
You think you're on your own,
You think there's no-one in the world,
Who cares for you.
That isn't true
There's me
I may not be
The one you want to see
But if you need someone who's kind
Then look behind
And then you'll find
There's me
I'll be near standing by
Never fear
You can cry
In a while
You will smile
And I'll be there to see
By yourself
You have to cry yourself
Nobody else can cry the tears you have to cry
But I will try
There's me
Until then
When you're okay again
You look around find
I'm no longer there
I'll still be near somewhere
You're not alone, there's me
There's always me
I'll still be near somewhere
You're not alone there's me
There's always me

1987 Broadway Concept Album Lyrics[]

CABOOSE: All alone,
You think you're on your own
You think there's no-one in the world
Who cares for you
That isn't true
There's me
I may not be
The one you want to see
But if you need someone who's kind
Then look behind
And then you'll find
There's me
I'll be near standing by
Never fear
You can cry
In a while
You will smile
And I'll be there to see
Until then
When you're okay again
You look around find
I'm no longer there
I'll still be near somewhere
You're not alone, there's me
There's always me
By yourself
You have to cry yourself
Nobody else can cry the tears you have to cry
But I will try
There's me
Until then
When you're okay again
You look around find
I'm no longer there
I'll still be near somewhere
You're not alone, there's me
There's always me
There's always me
Just look behind
I'll be there somewhere
There's always me
There's always me

Broadway Lyrics[]

CABOOSE: All alone,
You think you're on your own
You think there's no-one in the world
Who cares for you
That isn't true
There's me
I may not be
The one you want to see
But if you need someone who's kind
Then look behind
And then you'll find
There's me
I'll be near standing by
Never fear
You can cry
In a while
You will smile
And I'll be there to see
DINAH: By myself
I have to cry myself
Nobody else can cry the tears I have to cry
CABOOSE: But I will try
There's me
Until then
When you're okay again
You look around find
I'm no longer here
But friends are always near
You're not alone, there's me
There's always me
CABOOSE & DINAH: For friends are always near
You're not alone, there's me
Your friend
There's me

German Lyrics[]

CABOOSE: Ganz allein'?
Niemand will bei dir sein?
Die Welt schein leer und ohne Sinn?
Schau' zu mir hin,
Du weißt, ich bin
Dein Freund.
Manchmal gibt
Es keinen, der dich liebt
Und keiner hilft dir in der Not.
Dann komm' zu mir,
Ich helfe dir als Freund.
Es ist wahr, ich bin da,
Bin dir nah,
Weine nicht,
Tröste dich,
Du hast mich:
Denn ich bin immer da!
DINAH: Ganz allein',
Ich weine ganz allein',
Denn es gibt keinen der mich liebt,
Der mit mir weint.
CABOOSE: Doch dann erscheint
Ein Freund.
Ich bleib hier
Und ich verspreche dir:
Wenn du mich brauchst, dann bin ich für dich da.
Ein Freund steht dir sehr nah,
Du weißt: ich bin
Dein Freund,
Dein bester Freund.
CABOOSE & DINAH: Ein Freund steht dir sehr nah.
CABOOSE: Du weißt, ich bin
CABOOSE & DINAH: Dein Freund,
Dein bester Freund.

That's Me[]

DINAH: All alone,
He leaves me all alone,
And do I fight?
No, I just take it.
Why do I?
I don't know why.
That's me.
My friends say it's a crime,
To take him back,
But frankly,
I don't give a damn.
That's how I am,
That's me.
I may cry, now and then,
Say goodbye,
Until then,
He appears,
Dry the tears,
Here we go again...
Guess I know,
Each time I watch him go,
He won't go far,
For who would let him do?
The things I let him do,
There's only one, that's me,
That's who? That's me.
Why do I let him do,
The things I let him do?
That's how I am, that's me,
That's why I'm me.




Theres Me Matthew Wing Jodie Jackson B02 lores

Bochum 2001 - Dien Freund, Matthew Wing & Jodie Jackson


There's Me ~ Starlight Express Japan Australia Tour

1997 Japan/AU Tour - There's Me, Peter Rees & Debbie Wake
