Starlight Express Credits[]
Bochum - 2006-07 - Krupp (cover Electra, Dustin)
Bochum - 2007-08 - Swing (cover Electra, Dustin, National Engines, Components)
Bochum - 2014-15 - Purse (cover Electra, Dustin)
Bochum - 2015-16 - Swing (cover Electra, Dustin, National Engines, Components)
Toby Poole was born in Great Britain. He studied at the Laine Theatre Arts in London.
He played Wyatt in "Crazy for you", in "Peter Pan", "West End Lane", "Dick Whitigton", "Fast Track", "That's The Way I Like It", "We Will Rock You" and "Tanz der Vampire (Dance of the Vampires)".
He also took part in the BBC-show "The Biz", on TV in "Christmas Mania" and worked at Disneyland Paris.